He ran through the forest in bliss, crashing though vines and
hurdling ant hills like an antelope. The twigs brushing and scratching
his face broke the skin like so many other rents covering his body. He
could feel himself in his most heightened awareness of self, unfeeling.
He was not there, he was everywhere, completely unified with the
surroundings that were his world and his illusion. He ran faster,
always pressing on to keep all the levels up, to keep in that place
where exhaustion cannot find you, beyond inspiration. Inpiration, the
life force coming in, the force of the trees and rocks, expiration and
he was affecting his environment, his part of the enternally unified

He spat a green spit that poured down his cheeks and off his chin
and jaw like the slugs and leeches between his toes as he felt the
larvae being born from within his flesh and himself being born from
within the flesh of the universe. The water forever thick in the air
allowed him to feel his breath and trust strongly in its eternal
presence, press on.

He saw the green of his vision break up into the reds and yellows
that were of another place. The radiance of the leaves burned in his
eyes like the salt in his sweat and he ran, bounding down of rocks, his
knees buckling with an unfelt fatigue bringing him down close to the
earth where he could feel the wet with his hands and the pressure in his
chest, and he rose up leaning forward to fly out across in the the
jungle again. Rise up.

As he rose higher barely touching the earth, as he flew amidst the
trees and plants and creatures, he saw a clearing in his minds eye
beyond the next thicket and rise. His antlers stretched forth in
streamlined reception as he listened and felt the rainforest allowing
him to know. He screamed a scream across worlds of spirits turning his
being inside out by the mouth as he broke free from the foliage into the
new light of the sun and dry air. The warmth on his skin made him crawl
to a stop and examine his surroundings.

"Eh up. What the hell is going on here?" Ratboy asked of himself
in full belief.

"I don't know but it sure feels good." Ratboy spun around to see
Esmerela standing next to him breathing a little heavily.

"Man you sure did jump far of that last log, I thought you'd get swallowed up by that thicket for sure. You know there's quicksand."

"It's not quicker than me in these Nikes" Ratboy retorted tapping his foot like Sonic and wondering where he could get a beer.

Esmerelda slashed a vine near the edge of the clearing and took a shower in its contents, letting the last bit pour down her throat with obvious satisfaction. "Nice little Rainforest eh?"

"Yeah man, do any of these tribes make ice cream?"
"No, but these grubs are delicious, all buttery, and the honey ants, wow. When can we go back for dinner with the headshrinkers. That child meat from the neighboring village was divine!"

"Freak!" Ratboy responded with a smile.